Our Taxation and Business Advisory division provides professional advice and assistance to Small to Medium Enterprise (SME).
At CHN Herold Ross, we provide a range of taxation and business advisory services. Through our expertise in taxation and our constant investment in knowledge updates, we deliver strategies that are effective in delivering on your business goals, whilst being soundly based in tax and corporate law.
We are invested in our role as a trusted advisor and in some instances we can act as closely as your partner in business. We understand that our success is linked to yours and our approach reflects our commitment to this common goal.
Our aim is to improve profitability, minimise tax liabilities, maximise asset protection and increase net wealth position.
Business Tax
- Business Tax Advisory
- Business & Personal Tax Compliance
- Tax Management Consulting
- Tax Audit Support and Australian Taxation office Liaison
- Strategic Tax Planning
- Bookkeeping Services (through allied company Arrowpoint)
Indirect Tax
- Goods and Services Tax
- Land and other State Taxes
- Fuel Taxes & Credits including diesel and alternative fuel grants
- Research and Development Incentives
Employment Tax
- PAYG withholding
- FBT and salary packaging
- Payroll Tax
- Superannuation guarantee
- Work cover
Corporate Services
- ASIC Compliance & Lodgement
- Corporate Restructuring
- Business Sale or purchase due diligence
Growth Solutions
- Cash Flow Planning
- Business Succession Planning
- Business finance Application Support